Friday, July 26, 2019

All the Pros and positive aspects about the US legal system Essay

All the Pros and positive aspects about the US legal system - Essay Example However, there is more in law, for laws to be effective, the sovereign command must maintain the rule of power and its principles or directives that are applicable; moreover, they must apply equal magnitude to all citizens in the state. Furthermore, they should be accepted as laws which are legitimate rational, just and fair to all citizens. Legal systems on the other hand refer to systems that interpret as well as enforce laws. This paper will look at the positive aspects of the US legal systems. A medical legal aspect of medical records is an example of the US aspects of legal system. Records of care are provided to patients, the same records are used by the US legal processes, and they are used as relevant eyewitness in case of need. Here, the records are used to attest their reliability and veracity. The American legal system has rules that observe the records so that they are unimpeachable. The most relevant role of the records is that they give information about the patient to the healthcare team; the main goal is to ensure that the medical team offers safety and competent care to the American citizens (Lyer, Levin and Shea, 4). The US has indeed ensured that its citizens access medical care without difficulties, as a result, most illness have been eradicated in the US. The US has great legal systems and they are relevant in influencing the correction in the state. The legal aspect that involves correction management is present in the US legal system. This has been directly been impacted by the court ruling to ensure that US has correction facilities. In addition, there is change in the way they managers have been thinking about how they make their decision on small and great matters. These are in line with the way managers set their priorities in the manner in which they operate their institution as well as the community programs in the US. Administrators involved with correction issues are expected to take legal systems into account. It therefore means that the US academic studies as well as the daily activity of the correction officers are available in the US legal system (Pearlman, 3-4). The main goal of the US judicial system is to offer justice, solve disputes and interpret laws within the state. The positive part of the sophisticated judicial system in the US is its design; it is designed in a manner that it can be able to cover extremely large countries. In the US state for instance, it has hundreds of millions citizens, so having a system of court that can be applied to such a high population in provision of justice is indeed a success. The system has been designed to offer trials that are fair if one is accused of a certain crime. In addition, citizens have been given a chance to file lawsuits if they are treated wrongly in line with the laws of the country. In the US legal system on the other hand, victims of crimes have their right to defend themselves if accused or hire an individual to defend them before the jury or a judge. Judges are individual who determine if the accused is guilty based on the laws interpretations. Furthermore, the US court system is extensive and it extends to different court types, making it to be more effective compare to other legal system across the globe. For example, the US federal court system has been appointed to deal with matters of federal laws. In addition, America is

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