Sunday, July 28, 2019

Crime and Criminal Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Crime and Criminal Behavior - Essay Example The truth is that the poor have many disadvantages which they must struggle against. They are marginalized and left out in the cold. They have few opportunities. Their lack of education limits what they can do and their tattered clothing signals to all and sundry that they are poor. Many sociologists suggest that young people growing up in ghettos and in poor neighbourhoods have a rage against the world (Samenow, 3). The world or the â€Å"system† as they sometimes call it is set up against them, they believe. They owe it nothing and also seek to remake the world, often by tearing it down in the first place. They feel excluded from a world they do not understand (Paugam, 42)This is a serious problem and clearly supports the idea that poverty causes crime. This is also borne out by the idea that more poor people in cities and urban areas and these have higher crime rates (Horowitz, 54). There are many problems associated with poverty. Housing is usually of bad stock and as a re sult health problems can occur. Children who grow up in poverty have poorer health and less educational opportunities. People who are poor often are more likely to use drugs. As a result they may become addicted and be forced to break laws in order to make money to pay for their habits. This is a very negative thing but it is clearly a product of cause and effect.

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